The Telehealth Mini-series
Subject Matter Experts
Joseph C. Kvedar, MD; President-Elect, American Telemedicine Association; VP, Partners in Health
Christian B. Ramers, MD, MPH, AAHIVS; Medical Director, Laura Rodriguez Research Institute
John D. Scott, MD, MSc, FIDSA; Medical Director, UW Digital Health
Kristin Sohl, MD, FAAP; Executive Director, ECHO Autism
Telehealth can address COVID-19 and other epidemic situations by limiting exposure to infection for vulnerable populations and health care workers while expanding the reach of resources to communities that have limited access to needed services. This allows patients to receive health services away from settings where potential for contracting COVID-19 are high, such as hospitals, health clinic waiting rooms, private practices, etc.
This series has been created with the generous philanthropic support of the Bristol Meyers Squibb Foundation